Monday, July 13, 2015

July 4th, 2015

Last fourth of July, I spent it with Sadie and the US Embassy party (do you remember my post?).  It was slightly uncomfortable, but they had hot chocolate and hot dogs (yes, it's winter here in the southern hemisphere in July), so it was also sort of like home(ish).  Then for dinner we went to Applebees for 2 for 1 ribs. I was pregnant.  It was awesome.

This year was completely different.  We celebrated with other Americans (again with ribs!) in the comfort of our own home, with America flag flying high and American music blasting.  Our friends made the kids red, white and blue noise-makers and leis, and it really felt like home.  That day just so happened to be the same day that Chile won Copa America, so there were even fireworks that we could just see at the top of our neighborhood.  It was a good day.  The Shaul family even got a SUPER AMERICA photo.